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Innovation Workshop on Batt4EU Partnership Calls
INESC ID, Lisbon, 30-31.01.2023

The workshop concept, its leadership and moderation were delivered by Technology Partners Foundation in close collaboration with Łukasiewicz-Orgmasz CFI team acting as co-organisers and co-moderators.

The discussion focused on two calls:

  • HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-01-04: Battery management system (BMS) and battery system design for stationary energy storage systems (ESS) to improve interoperability and facilitate the integration of second-life batteries (Batt4EU Partnership).

  • HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-01-05: Hybrid electric energy storage solutions for grid support and charging infrastructure (Batt4EU Partnership)


The overall goals of the Innovative Workshop included:

  1. Framework building for the creation of joint project consortia addressing 2 selected HE calls through:

    • Reaching a common understanding of the innovation challenges, expected outcomes, and scope of activities of the respective calls;

    • Acquiring knowledge and understanding of participants’ ambitions, competencies, and resources relevant to the calls;

    • Co-creation activities;

  2. Networking to facilitate participants’ collaboration in other areas.


22 European experts from 17 organizations from 5 countries took part in the workshop, (including 8 Newcomers). 2 external Top Innovators participated in the workshop (University of Lisbon and Warsaw University of Technology). It gave us a unique opportunity to discuss proposals from many different points of view and development priorities.

The event was divided into two workshops:

Workshop #1: HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-01-04: Battery management system (BMS) and battery system design for stationary energy storage systems (ESS) to improve interoperability and facilitate the integration of second life batteries (Batt4EU Partnership):

  • Relevant challenges of the Batt4EU Partnership; goals and priorities (Prof. Hugo Morais)

  • Expected outcomes and scope of activities of the call (Prof. Hugo Morais)

  • Required links to other projects (Prof. Hugo Morais)

This part was followed by a co-creation workshop  focused on the discussion of the assumptions for definition for technical Work Packages as well as the potential contribution of each participant to particular tasks.

Workshop #2: HORIZON-CL5-2023-D2-01-05: Hybrid electric energy storage solutions for grid support and charging infrastructure (Batt4EU Partnership)

  • Expected outcomes and scope of activities of the call (Prof. Hugo Morais)

  • General Proposal (Prof. Hugo Morais)

  • Proposal outcomes (Prof. Eduardo Rodrigues)

  • Proposal ideas (Prof. Paulo Gordo)


Brainstorming and teamwork using the foresight-driven consortium co-creation technique, resulted in a couple of project proposal ideas for further analysis and development.

Moreover, there was an interesting discussion on ideas for collaboration within the frame of other calls.

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