EFFRA Webinar
Bridging the gap: Widening countries in the EU Manufacturing R&I landscape
The webinar "Bridging the gap: Widening countries in the EU Manufacturing R&I landscape" was held by EFFRA on the 12th of December.
The objective of the event was to discuss the good practices and the challenges in the context of the widening countries’ access to and possibilities to valorize the EU-funded opportunities in Manufacturing R&I.
The webinar agenda included presentations from EFFRA, FIT-4-NMP, private manufacturing companies, NCPs and a panel discussion involving the EC representative.
The FIT-4-NMP's contribution was to share practical advice on the Hop-On Facility call of the Horizon Europe Widening programme, based on our experience of supporting newcomers in the previous 2 rounds. This was implemented through the joint presentation made by Dr. Lina Smovziuk (Intelligentsia Consultants) and Petr Pracna (HE Cluster 4 NCP, TC-CAS).
See the webinar recordings and presentation at the EFFRA website